What is a brand audit?

Just like we go to the doctor for a check-up, a brand audit is a way for you and your company to get a sense of how you are doing. It focuses on an analysis of how the company is performing in certain areas, not on sales or profits. It can be as far-reaching as you desire, taking in online presence, market research and employee satisfaction etc. What are the problem areas? Where are the issues as you change and grow?

Why should you do it?

There could a number of reasons to undertake an audit. For example, if your company is considering a rebrand, a strategic pivot, launching a new product or simply looking at market positioning and your competitors.

Industries and business environments change and move quickly. Staying on top of your brand both internally and externally will help you see problems before they arise and identify new opportunities. An audit of any size should give you new ideas to consider and paths to pursue. It is worth doing one every few years to stay on top of the market. It will also help you become more agile as technology, consumers and needs change frequently.

How do you do it?

You can complete a basic audit yourself by looking at the data to which you already have access. Look at your data from social media channels, your website and any third-party media. Try to look beyond the numbers too and review the positive or negative sentiment of the conversation your audience is having in relation to your brand. Look at your competitors and compare the data you can find with your own.

Getting qualitative research is equally valuable. You can carry out interviews with employees, customers, third-party providers and partners. Be aware of asking questions that will only lead to positive answers. It can be a good idea to do this feedback anonymously or as an interview depending on your resources and the feedback culture your company already has.

The most important parts of the audit are the conclusions you reach. Make sure you are not making assumptions and that you can back up your findings. This is where your qualitative research can confirm data results.

The most comprehensive option is to employ an agency to give an unbiased review and be an external auditor. Cova Communications provides a brand audit service that offers a broad review of your business, which can be adjusted depending on your goals or reasons for the audit.

If you have any questions about brand audits please contact us.

Cover photo by Damon Lam on Unsplash


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